Throughout the history of England, Queen Elizabeth I is generally considered the king of the most notable. Forty-five-year reign is a period of economic prosperity, literary development, and the emergence of English so the strength of marine bully on the ocean. When the UK no longer have kings that prominent, muncullah of the golden era to the UK.
Elizabeth was born in the year 1533 Greenwich, England. His father, King Henry VIII, a pioneer round of the UK. His mother, Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry is. Anne cut her head to roll like a nyiur year 1536 and for several months and then remove the announcement that the parliament of the time Elizabeth was aged three years as a "child prostitute." (This is the general attitude of English Catholics who do not consider valid Henry divorce with first wife). Although there are the curse of the parliament, Elizabeth grew up in a household and obtain the kingdom of good education.
Henry VIII closed the age of 1547 years, when Elizabeth aged thirteen years. Eleven years after that there is no English authority which can be considered successful. Edward VI, stepsister Elizabeth ascended the throne between the years 1547 to 1553. Under his reign, one obvious political pro Protestannya. Reign of Queen Mary I of five years after that support the rule of papacy and the Roman Catholic pengokohan back. During his reign the Protestant English-uber be pursued and be crushed, and about three hundred pemeluknya die. (This caused the queen can not sapid nickname: "the bloody Mary." Elizabeth and disekap own arrest in London Tower. Although eventually released, some time in his life is in danger of the threat. When Mary close age (year 1558) that Elizabeth was already two puluh ascend the throne five years. The increase in the brightness of this gives a UK population.
Many of the problems that prevent young queen is young: the war against France; strained relationship with Scotland and Spain; government monetary conditions, and above all it is a dark cloud religious divisions that depend on the head of the UK.
Crisis in the last first. Soon after Elizabeth ascended the throne, the law on "the rule and Persamaan" year 1559 was passed, set the Anglican religion as the official English. This is the party of moderate Protestants, the Puritans, but require a more drastic change. Although opposition to the Puritans on the one hand and the Catholics on the other hand, during the reign stabilizing compromise still survive within the law in 1559 years.
The situation becomes complicated with the religious situation in relation to the Queen Mary of Scotland. Mary was forced to leave Scotland and fled to England. Sesampai in the UK he was a captive of Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth is not a step on the basis of violence and free at: Mary and the Roman Catholics also have a claim worthy of the throne replace Elizabeth. This means that, if there is rebellion or murder of a successful, England will have more religious Catholic queen. Mary detention during the nine years that it is true there are some times the plot and Elizabeth have enough evidence of the involvement of Mary. Finally, in the year 1587 Mary die. Elizabeth signed vonis punishment with a bit reluctantly. The menterinya and members of parliament generally want that Mary killed the sooner the better.
Religious antagonism downright dangerous to Elizabeth. In 1570 Pope Pius V memerintahkannya down and expel the throne, and in 1580 Pope Gregory XIII issued a proclamation that it is not a sin to kill Elizabeth. However, the situation is also beneficial Elizabeth. Throughout the period of his reign, the Protestant tercekam fear insurrection against the Catholic Religion back in the UK. Elizabeth expose himself like a shield that revival. And this is the main source of kepopulerannya among the mass of the Protestant English is.
Elizabeth handle foreign policy with the careful, elegant, and blow away. In the early-early 1560 he merampungkan "Edinburgh Agreement" that ensures the settlement of peace with Scotland. The war ended with the French and the relationship the two countries improved. But, gradually, gradually the British forces involved with the Spanish antagonism. Elizabeth tries to avoid war, but a militant Catholic Spain-16 th century, the war between the Protestant English Spain terelakkan difficult. Rebellion in Holland against the Spanish authorities is a factor parlormaid: rebel general, the Protestant Netherlands and Spain when menggenjot rebels, helped Elizabeth Holland, although the actual time Elizabeth did not have passion, fight. English people in general as well as the ministers and parliament more ardent than the lift arms Elizabeth. Therefore, when the war with Spain finally erupt in the years 1580an, Elizabeth gained strong support for British people.
Elizabeth for many years to build a zealous English Navy, but, King Philip II of Spain is also rushing to build a fleet big - Spanish Armada - melabrak to the UK. Spain have a fleet of ships is almost balanced with many of the UK, but less kelasinya; more than that, more English seamen trained well and the quality of ships and weaponry meriamnya better. Contention was broken in 1588 years, and a violent sea battle that ended with the defeat of Spain absolute. As a result of this victory, the United Kingdom to be steady as the strength of the Navy thumbs in the world, a position that remains dipegangnya until this century to 20.
Elizabeth always careful in the matter of finance. At the beginning of the beginning of the government-the kingdom of the UK's financial condition is really healthy. But, of course, quarrel with Spain and ask for the cost of expensive government at the end of the financial situation is very poor. However, despite poor kingdom, the country as a whole rather berkondisi more prosperous at the time of Elizabeth knit crown in ubun-ubunnya.
Elizabeth during the forty-five years (from year 1558 to 1603) are often considered "golden Age Britain." Some of the famed English writers, including William Shakespeare, lived in that era. Elizabeth clearly have shares in the development of this culture. He gave the spirit of Shakespeare theater opposition of London local government. However, there is no development of music or painting that could rival the development of literary.
Elizabeth era also witnessed bangkitnya English as explorers. Have repeatedly traveled to Russia and the experiment-an experiment by Martin Frobisher and John Davis find a way northwest to the Far East. Sir Francis Drake sailed around the world (from the years 1577 to 1580), set foot in California in the journey. There are also experiments that failed (by Sir Walter Raleigh and others) to establish settlements in North America.
Lack of Elizabeth may be the biggest reluctantly provides the opportunity for change tahtanya. Not only was he never marries, but he always set the successor. (Perhaps because he was afraid, if he so successor point someone will soon be rivalnya). No matter what the reason Elizabeth did not want his successor, if only he died young (or at any time before the death of Mary's Scottish), UK may have kecemplung stage in the civil war after the replacement. Fortune for the UK, Elizabeth lived until the age of seventy years. Above the bed rohnya sail, he called King James II of Scotland (son of Mary of Scotland) a successor. Although this means that the union between England and Scotland under one crown, this is a confusing choice. Both James and Charles I puteranya unduly authoritarian appetite for English, and in the middle of the century war also meledaklah.
Elizabeth has the intellect beyond the ordinary and that a skilled politician, firm, have the broad view. Concurrently with that he has carefully and conservative. He ketidaksukaan have a war and bloodshed if necessary, although he can bersiteguh. Like his father, he was running with the cooperation of government and parliament not melawannya. Because he does not marry, it seems like he is still virgin dikemukakannya in public. However, it is not too well right if he is considered including the type of man women hater. Even otherwise, he clearly loves the man and go interact with them. Elizabeth has the ability choose the ministers menterinya-capable. Some of the results dicapainya, among other blessings Williarn Cecil (Lord Burghley), which is the main adviser in 1558 until her death in 1598.
Key success Elizabeth can be summarized as follows: First, he led the English stage during the second era of bloodless means. (Unlike Germany where the thirty-year war (1618-1648) killed more than twenty-five percent of the population, quite striking). Besides him, mitigate religious hatred between Catholic and Protestant English English, he also succeeded in maintaining the unity of the nation. Second, the forty-five-year reign - Elizabeth Era - generally considered a golden era of the nation in the world. Third, is also in the UK government appears as the main force, a position that many can dipertahankannya next.
Elizabeth's position in the list in the order of this book have a clear exit biasaan. At any rate, this book is a list of the great innovators, the people who put new ideas or bring something changes the situation. Elizabeth is not a reformer, not a innovators, and the political policy generally cautious and conservative. Despite that, a lot of progress going on in the government compared with the general penguasaa conscious desire progress.
Elizabeth did not try to deal directly with issues that are crucial parliamentary affairs authority and dominion. However, the only way to be a stand off satrap, he may be the main life supporter of democracy in the UK than he announced a democratic constitution. Elizabeth does not find the field intensity and the military is not interested in building a large empirium. (Indeed, under Elizabeth, the UK did not have signs of a empirium). Despite that, he bequeath most British Navy in the world and lay the foundations of the English empirium follow later.
Eminency empirium the sea is English Elizabeth after her death, at least in part terbesamya. Many people who play an important role empirium establishment of the UK in some cases can be considered reasonable as a result of European expansion in general and the geographical position of the UK. Should also note that many other European countries that border Atlantic Ocean (French, Spanish and even Portuguese) also build empirium large.
Moreover, the role of Elizabeth English and maintain the threat of Spain easily be exaggerated. If examined, it did not appear to Spain once a serious threat to the independence of the United Kingdom. Must be remembered, contention between the British fleet opponent is Spain's fleet does not take place too close distance. (Not one British ship lost!). And more than that, even if successful Spanish troops land in the UK, sukarlah they can be menaklukkannya. Spanish armed forces did not achieve victory in that strike anywhere in Europe. If Spain is not able to quell the rebellion in the Netherlands, there is no discount is clear he can conquer the UK. Towards the 16-th century, English nationalism is far more robust against Spain can menaklukkannya.
So where Elizabeth should be placed in the list of this book? He basically local leaders. If compared with Peter the Great of Russia did not seem equal. Ditilik from the point of fact clearly Peter is far more innovative rather than Elizabeth. I will get trouble convincing the Russian people have a clear mind that Elizabeth is placed higher in the order of Peter. Instead, it measured the importance of the role played in the UK and the UK in the last century-a century after Elizabeth is an error placing unduly far behind Peter. In many ways, it seems clear that only a few kings in history have the success of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was born in the year 1533 Greenwich, England. His father, King Henry VIII, a pioneer round of the UK. His mother, Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry is. Anne cut her head to roll like a nyiur year 1536 and for several months and then remove the announcement that the parliament of the time Elizabeth was aged three years as a "child prostitute." (This is the general attitude of English Catholics who do not consider valid Henry divorce with first wife). Although there are the curse of the parliament, Elizabeth grew up in a household and obtain the kingdom of good education.
Henry VIII closed the age of 1547 years, when Elizabeth aged thirteen years. Eleven years after that there is no English authority which can be considered successful. Edward VI, stepsister Elizabeth ascended the throne between the years 1547 to 1553. Under his reign, one obvious political pro Protestannya. Reign of Queen Mary I of five years after that support the rule of papacy and the Roman Catholic pengokohan back. During his reign the Protestant English-uber be pursued and be crushed, and about three hundred pemeluknya die. (This caused the queen can not sapid nickname: "the bloody Mary." Elizabeth and disekap own arrest in London Tower. Although eventually released, some time in his life is in danger of the threat. When Mary close age (year 1558) that Elizabeth was already two puluh ascend the throne five years. The increase in the brightness of this gives a UK population.
Many of the problems that prevent young queen is young: the war against France; strained relationship with Scotland and Spain; government monetary conditions, and above all it is a dark cloud religious divisions that depend on the head of the UK.
Crisis in the last first. Soon after Elizabeth ascended the throne, the law on "the rule and Persamaan" year 1559 was passed, set the Anglican religion as the official English. This is the party of moderate Protestants, the Puritans, but require a more drastic change. Although opposition to the Puritans on the one hand and the Catholics on the other hand, during the reign stabilizing compromise still survive within the law in 1559 years.
The situation becomes complicated with the religious situation in relation to the Queen Mary of Scotland. Mary was forced to leave Scotland and fled to England. Sesampai in the UK he was a captive of Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth is not a step on the basis of violence and free at: Mary and the Roman Catholics also have a claim worthy of the throne replace Elizabeth. This means that, if there is rebellion or murder of a successful, England will have more religious Catholic queen. Mary detention during the nine years that it is true there are some times the plot and Elizabeth have enough evidence of the involvement of Mary. Finally, in the year 1587 Mary die. Elizabeth signed vonis punishment with a bit reluctantly. The menterinya and members of parliament generally want that Mary killed the sooner the better.
Religious antagonism downright dangerous to Elizabeth. In 1570 Pope Pius V memerintahkannya down and expel the throne, and in 1580 Pope Gregory XIII issued a proclamation that it is not a sin to kill Elizabeth. However, the situation is also beneficial Elizabeth. Throughout the period of his reign, the Protestant tercekam fear insurrection against the Catholic Religion back in the UK. Elizabeth expose himself like a shield that revival. And this is the main source of kepopulerannya among the mass of the Protestant English is.
Elizabeth handle foreign policy with the careful, elegant, and blow away. In the early-early 1560 he merampungkan "Edinburgh Agreement" that ensures the settlement of peace with Scotland. The war ended with the French and the relationship the two countries improved. But, gradually, gradually the British forces involved with the Spanish antagonism. Elizabeth tries to avoid war, but a militant Catholic Spain-16 th century, the war between the Protestant English Spain terelakkan difficult. Rebellion in Holland against the Spanish authorities is a factor parlormaid: rebel general, the Protestant Netherlands and Spain when menggenjot rebels, helped Elizabeth Holland, although the actual time Elizabeth did not have passion, fight. English people in general as well as the ministers and parliament more ardent than the lift arms Elizabeth. Therefore, when the war with Spain finally erupt in the years 1580an, Elizabeth gained strong support for British people.
Elizabeth for many years to build a zealous English Navy, but, King Philip II of Spain is also rushing to build a fleet big - Spanish Armada - melabrak to the UK. Spain have a fleet of ships is almost balanced with many of the UK, but less kelasinya; more than that, more English seamen trained well and the quality of ships and weaponry meriamnya better. Contention was broken in 1588 years, and a violent sea battle that ended with the defeat of Spain absolute. As a result of this victory, the United Kingdom to be steady as the strength of the Navy thumbs in the world, a position that remains dipegangnya until this century to 20.
Elizabeth always careful in the matter of finance. At the beginning of the beginning of the government-the kingdom of the UK's financial condition is really healthy. But, of course, quarrel with Spain and ask for the cost of expensive government at the end of the financial situation is very poor. However, despite poor kingdom, the country as a whole rather berkondisi more prosperous at the time of Elizabeth knit crown in ubun-ubunnya.
Elizabeth during the forty-five years (from year 1558 to 1603) are often considered "golden Age Britain." Some of the famed English writers, including William Shakespeare, lived in that era. Elizabeth clearly have shares in the development of this culture. He gave the spirit of Shakespeare theater opposition of London local government. However, there is no development of music or painting that could rival the development of literary.
Elizabeth era also witnessed bangkitnya English as explorers. Have repeatedly traveled to Russia and the experiment-an experiment by Martin Frobisher and John Davis find a way northwest to the Far East. Sir Francis Drake sailed around the world (from the years 1577 to 1580), set foot in California in the journey. There are also experiments that failed (by Sir Walter Raleigh and others) to establish settlements in North America.
Lack of Elizabeth may be the biggest reluctantly provides the opportunity for change tahtanya. Not only was he never marries, but he always set the successor. (Perhaps because he was afraid, if he so successor point someone will soon be rivalnya). No matter what the reason Elizabeth did not want his successor, if only he died young (or at any time before the death of Mary's Scottish), UK may have kecemplung stage in the civil war after the replacement. Fortune for the UK, Elizabeth lived until the age of seventy years. Above the bed rohnya sail, he called King James II of Scotland (son of Mary of Scotland) a successor. Although this means that the union between England and Scotland under one crown, this is a confusing choice. Both James and Charles I puteranya unduly authoritarian appetite for English, and in the middle of the century war also meledaklah.
Elizabeth has the intellect beyond the ordinary and that a skilled politician, firm, have the broad view. Concurrently with that he has carefully and conservative. He ketidaksukaan have a war and bloodshed if necessary, although he can bersiteguh. Like his father, he was running with the cooperation of government and parliament not melawannya. Because he does not marry, it seems like he is still virgin dikemukakannya in public. However, it is not too well right if he is considered including the type of man women hater. Even otherwise, he clearly loves the man and go interact with them. Elizabeth has the ability choose the ministers menterinya-capable. Some of the results dicapainya, among other blessings Williarn Cecil (Lord Burghley), which is the main adviser in 1558 until her death in 1598.
Key success Elizabeth can be summarized as follows: First, he led the English stage during the second era of bloodless means. (Unlike Germany where the thirty-year war (1618-1648) killed more than twenty-five percent of the population, quite striking). Besides him, mitigate religious hatred between Catholic and Protestant English English, he also succeeded in maintaining the unity of the nation. Second, the forty-five-year reign - Elizabeth Era - generally considered a golden era of the nation in the world. Third, is also in the UK government appears as the main force, a position that many can dipertahankannya next.
Elizabeth's position in the list in the order of this book have a clear exit biasaan. At any rate, this book is a list of the great innovators, the people who put new ideas or bring something changes the situation. Elizabeth is not a reformer, not a innovators, and the political policy generally cautious and conservative. Despite that, a lot of progress going on in the government compared with the general penguasaa conscious desire progress.
Elizabeth did not try to deal directly with issues that are crucial parliamentary affairs authority and dominion. However, the only way to be a stand off satrap, he may be the main life supporter of democracy in the UK than he announced a democratic constitution. Elizabeth does not find the field intensity and the military is not interested in building a large empirium. (Indeed, under Elizabeth, the UK did not have signs of a empirium). Despite that, he bequeath most British Navy in the world and lay the foundations of the English empirium follow later.
Eminency empirium the sea is English Elizabeth after her death, at least in part terbesamya. Many people who play an important role empirium establishment of the UK in some cases can be considered reasonable as a result of European expansion in general and the geographical position of the UK. Should also note that many other European countries that border Atlantic Ocean (French, Spanish and even Portuguese) also build empirium large.
Moreover, the role of Elizabeth English and maintain the threat of Spain easily be exaggerated. If examined, it did not appear to Spain once a serious threat to the independence of the United Kingdom. Must be remembered, contention between the British fleet opponent is Spain's fleet does not take place too close distance. (Not one British ship lost!). And more than that, even if successful Spanish troops land in the UK, sukarlah they can be menaklukkannya. Spanish armed forces did not achieve victory in that strike anywhere in Europe. If Spain is not able to quell the rebellion in the Netherlands, there is no discount is clear he can conquer the UK. Towards the 16-th century, English nationalism is far more robust against Spain can menaklukkannya.
So where Elizabeth should be placed in the list of this book? He basically local leaders. If compared with Peter the Great of Russia did not seem equal. Ditilik from the point of fact clearly Peter is far more innovative rather than Elizabeth. I will get trouble convincing the Russian people have a clear mind that Elizabeth is placed higher in the order of Peter. Instead, it measured the importance of the role played in the UK and the UK in the last century-a century after Elizabeth is an error placing unduly far behind Peter. In many ways, it seems clear that only a few kings in history have the success of Elizabeth.
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